We’re alleviating the burden of student loans so you don’t have to.
Genie is
We’re building the next generation platform for inputting,
visualizing, and paying back your student loans -- in record time.
A small amount of change per transaction leads to big results. Genie
users on average will save around $4,000 and take off 4-5 years on
their loans!
Safe & Secure
At Genie, we put the needs of the user first. We prioritized easy-of
use, security, and most of all making a free product that our users
will be satisfied with!
Genie’s breakdowns allow for easy tracking and management of
your spending. See where your money is going and how to
maximize it.
Our roundup engine intelligently puts extra change from
purchases towards your student debt, shrinking the loan
gradually (not once a month like you boomers).
Our Mission
At Genie, we’re create a future where people can feel
comfortable on betting on themselves and not have to worry about
getting caught in a never ending cycle of debt.
We got the numbers.
At Genie, we love numbers! Something somethnig smart math we use
numbers to help you and personalize your round ups.
Contributed to student loans
Years Saved
Dollars saved
Our Team
Genie is composed of indivduals who are on the front-lines of
the student loan battle daily. We believe that in order to
solve a problem, you have to experience it first-hand.